Physical Activity

Exercise Tips CJA Lifestyle Online Weight Loss Programme

Exercise Tips From The CJA Lifestyle Health Team - Have Fun & Get Healthy!


Exercising is an important part of a healthy lifestyle and has multiple benefits as well as helping you to look and feel your best.

Of course, we understand that adults all have different 'start points' when it comes to exercising, from beginners who have never exercised to people who have previously exercised and have a good base level of fitness.

Plus, not everybody enjoys the same type of exercise.  Fear not - exercise is not limited to joining a gym and there are many good low cost ways to exercise without setting foot in a leisure centre!

For some people the idea of formal exercise is very intimidating but, once you find an exercise regime that you enjoy, you might find it gives you a new lease of life. 

When starting a healthy eating plan it may be better for you to increase your daily activity with low impact exercise and small measures, and then plan to begin a more formal exercise programme when you have had some success with eating well.

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The Benefits Of Exercising

Doing exercise is important for your overall health and wellbeing and can be hugely enjoyable and rewarding. Below are just some of the benefits you are likely to experience when you incorporate some regular exercise into your weekly routine.  Regular exercise will:

  • increase your energy levels
  • help you to maintain weight loss
  • give you time to yourself each day
  • protect your muscle mass to ensure you lose body fat rather than muscle (for those on a weight loss plan)

Many people feel that they haven’t got time to exercise, however 30 mins is 4% of your day! You can probably spend half an hour less on instagram, facebook or watching TV to do something which will benefit your health on all levels.

Easy Ways To Increase Your Exercise Levels

slimming aids, weight loss injections, Saxenda, Ozempic, top online slimming clinic, CJA Lifestyle UKIf you are very new to exercise it may be more sensible to start building up your daily activity with low impact movement.  This has a lot to do with increasing your self-awareness and paying more attention to your choices.

Be mindful of small things and try to fit movement into your life at all times. Take the stairs, walk to work or for the school run. Park away from the supermarket to get a few extra steps in.

A really good way to gauge and improve your general activity is to invest in a step counter and aim to do 10,000 steps a day. There are many available such as Fit Bit, Garmin, Polar and Apple watches. There are also many cheaper versions and a pedometer of any description will do the job.

It's important to ask yourself 'am I making an excuse to be lazy?' We all do it, it's just about being mindful of these tiny choices and taking the harder one.

Talk To Our CJA Lifestyle Fitness & Nutrition Expert About Getting Fit & Becoming More Healthy

When you join our CJA Lifestyle Body Transformation Programme, our Fitness & Nutrition Expert will help you make a plan to increase your physical activity so you can build up to fitting exercise into your daily routine. He will discuss many options, depending on your social situation and background and try to figure out what is best for you.  He will also help you with dietary advice, your sleep routine, mental health and look at your overall wellbeing.  Find out more about our Body Transformation Programme here.