Effective Rosacea Treatments at CJA Aesthetics Skin Clinics in Southampton, Portsmouth and Winchester
Rosacea is a long-term skin disorder where inflammation of the blood vessels and skin causes the skin to redden on the cheeks, nose and, occasionally, the forehead and chin.
In the early stages, the skin redness may appear as periodic blushing, but, as the condition progresses, spots may appear and blood vessels under the skin surface may become abnormally enlarged, appearing as visible thin red lines on the surface of the skin.
The true cause of rosacea is still unknown. Numerous suggestions have been put forward, but it now seems likely that there is no single cause and it is probably due to a variety of factors including heredity, skin colour and structure.
Certain triggers may make your rosacea worse. These include exposure to sunlight, stress, strenuous exercise, changes in weather temperature, spicy food, alcohol and caffeine.
Rosacea treatments at CJA Aesthetics in Hampshire
West Sussex
Accredited Treatment Centre for Rosacea: CJA Aesthetics in Southampton and across Hampshire
CJA Aesthetics is an accredited treatment centre for rosacea in Hampshire, listed by the Acne & Rosacea Association UK as having practitioners who understand rosacea and can prescribe effective treatments to help.
Our highly trained skin specialists can improve the appearance of rosacea using a number of effective methods including microneeding, an active skin care regime, and chemical peels.
Microneedling: This is an advanced treatment whereby tiny microneedle perforations are made in the area to be treated to stimulate the skin so it can regenerate and repair itself naturally. New collagen is formed, new skin cells are generated and blood supply is enhanced to improve the skin's texture, tone and colour. The procedure is painless and safe and is controlled to the highest standards of safety and hygiene.
EnerPeel: If you have mild to moderate rosacea, we may recommend a chemical peeling to exfoliate the top layer of skin, improving its appearance and preparing the skin so we can deliver active ingredients to give you a smoother, brighter complexion.
SkinCeuticals Products: After assessing your skin’s needs your CJA Aesthetics doctor can prescribe a tailored programme of treatments to control inflammation, improve the skin's resistance to irritants, and suppress the redness. We have a wide range of SkinCeuticals skin care products available on our online shop, such as the SkinCeuticals Redness Neutraliser which reduces visible skin redness.
Book a Skin Consultation with Accredited Rosacea Specialist Dr Chris Airey at CJA Aesthetics in Hampshire
If you are interested in a skin treatment, please complete this online medical form before booking in for an in-depth consultation with Dr Chris Airey. To book your free consultation please either call 023 8033 2429, email [email protected], or complete the form below: