Lemon Bottle Fat Dissolving Injections

Lemon Bottle Fat Dissolving Injections offer a quick and convenient solution for non-surgical fat reduction.  This new lipolysis treatment is completely safe and results are visible within just 24 hours.

Lemon Bottle has taken TikTok by storm and now it's available at our Southampton clinic, administered by our fully qualified doctors.

Achieve your body shape goals and eliminate stubborn fat deposits.  For a new, slimmer you, book your appointment online.  For more information, call us on 023 8033 2429.

Lemon Bottle Fat Dissolving Injections Southampton clinic CJA Aesthetics

How Does Lemon Bottle Lipolysis Work?

Lemon Bottle is a highly concentrated blend of active ingredients which work to activate the body's fat dissolving metabolism.  The injections help to break down fat and remove inflammation, destroying and transporting unnecessary fat cells.

Why Choose Lemon Bottle Injections at CJA Aesthetics?

Our Southampton clinic is owned and operated by fully qualified doctors, Dr Lauren Airey and Dr Chris Airey, ensuring that you are in the safest possible hands for your fat dissolving treatment.

Lemon Bottle has an exceptional safety profile and avoids the risks and downtime involved in more invasive fat reduction procedures.

The treatment is quick and highly effective.  It can be targeted to reduce specific areas of stubborn fat deposits, thus allowing us to shape and contour your body to your requirements.

Improvements to your body shape can be noticed in as little as 24 hours, with further gradual improvements over subsequent weeks as fatty acids and glycerol are cleared from the treated area. 

Lemon bottle lipolysis fat dissolving injections


How Much Do Lemon Bottle Injections Cost?

Prices start from £150 for treatment of a small area.

Please call us on 023 8033 2429 to find out more and discuss your requirements.

Lemon Bottle Fat Dissolving Injections FAQs

Are Lemon Bottle Injections painful?


The treatment is virtually painless with little or no swelling or bruising following the procedure.  You can return to day-to day activities immediately.

How long will my appointment take?


A Lemon Bottle Fat Dissolving treatment usually takes around 30 minutes.  There is no downtime required afterwards.

What are the ingredients in Lemon Bottle Fat Dissolving Injections?


Lemon Bottle contains an innovative blend of natural ingredients designed to break down stubborn fatty deposits and release them through the body's lymphatic system.  The ingredients include:

Bromelain - A digestive enzyme with anti-obesity properties, it reduces inflammation and triggers the breakdown of fat cells.  It is derived from pineapples.

Riboflavin - Also known as Vitamin B2, Riboflavin promotes fat metabolism.  It also reduces swelling following the treatment.

Lecithin - Breaks down the walls of fat cells and helps flush them from the body via the lymphatic system.  The Lecithin in Lemon Bottle is from non-allergenic vegetable sources.


What areas can be treated with Lemon Bottle Injections?


Lemon Bottle Injections can be used to target stubborn fat deposits in most areas of the body, including the:

  • stomach
  • hips
  • thighs
  • arms
  • chest
  • face
  • jaw line.

How many sessions will I need to see results?


You should be able to see results within a day of your initial Lemon Bottle injections, but most patients require a course of  several treatments for optimal results.   It will typically take a few weeks to see the full results of the treatment, as the body continues to eliminate fat cells following the injections.